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How HTTP Status Codes Affect SEO: Here’s What You Need To Know

How HTTP Status Codes Affect SEO

HTTP status codes are known as three-digit responses that the server or client returns, depending on their request. Codes are divided into five status code classes and each class has different types of messages. For example, when you request a page, you request the server to view and render the page. HTTP status codes are generated without you noticing in your requests requesting all the information to enable this display and rendering.

  • HTTP status codes are also known as Hypertext Transfer Protocol. They are known as codes that are used to communicate with clients and servers, and also help data exchanges. Thanks to HTTP status codes, being a part of the communication process is ensured.

The Importance of HTTP Status Codes for SEO

SEO aims to increase organic traffic. To increase this traffic, the content must be accessible by search engine scanners. You want HTTP status returned for users requesting your content, but there will be a point where you don’t want the HTTP status code returned. For this reason, you will try to keep HTTP status codes to a minimum.

  • If you have difficulty with search engine scanners and analytics of websites, or if you do not understand HTTP status codes, you cannot proceed unfamiliarly. That’s why you should learn the basics of HTTP status codes and how to improve them.

Discover What HTTP Responses Look Like

There are two parts to the responses sent by the web servers. These sections are known as headers and body payloads. Looking at the task of the headers, it provides the HTTP status code and instructions for the site to cache the response at specified times. These instructions also contain information about what to do. Headers are generally not displayed to the user. However, the client is given instructions on how to exit this state and display the body payload along with the response. You can also discover which headers are returned by using Web Inspector or different browser tools.

  • If the body payload is in the response, it will stand out to render pages and provide views to the user. If the directions appear, there is no body payload. At the same time, the body payload will be optional for some faults.

HTTP Status Codes Check

If you want to view HTTP status codes, what you need to do is to choose the built-in tool, browser plugin, or Google Search Console’s URL inspection tool. These control types work on a page-by-page basis. If you want to provide multiple URL checks, these check types will be slow and inefficient.

How HTTP Status Codes Affect SEO

What Effect Does HTTP Status Codes Have on Google Search?

HTTP status codes are generated by the servers from the sites bar when the content is requested by the browser. For example, if the browser requests content that is not available on the server, the 404 status code will occur.

  • When you look at the first number of the status codes, it is possible to understand which category it is in. 2XX codes are used for successful scans and 3XX codes are used to refer to job referrals.
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HTTP 2XX(Success Codes)

Looking at HTTP 2XX, Googlebot crawls the content and delivers it to the indexing pipeline. If Google doesn’t index the HTTP 2XX status code then it appears that no error has occurred. In the 204 status code, known as the exception, the page is successfully accessed but the content cannot be found.

HTTP 3XX( Redirect Codes)

It is a code that indicates that not all redirects are equal. When looking at the HTTP 301 status code, it sends a stronger signal than the 302, 303, and 307 codes, as it determines which one should be chosen for the URL to be considered standard.

When the 304 status code is examined, it sends the date the content was last scanned to Google as a notification. It does not affect indexing but is effective in recalculating URL signals.

HTTP 4XX (client error codes)

Pages that return a 4xx status code will be disregarded when reviewed, depending on Google’s indexing in search results.

All 4xx errors, except 429, appear in the same way. They have the task of notifying Googlebot that the content is not available. If the content already appears, the URL will be removed from Google’s search index and deleted.

Looking at status code 429 reflects that Googlebot was unable to access a URL because the server was overloaded. These URLs are protected in Google’s index.

HTTP 5XX (server error codes)

When looking at 5XX server errors, it contributes to Googlebot slowing down the crawling process temporarily.

URLs that were previously indexed and now have server errors are eventually dropped if 5xx status code submission occurs.


As you read the article, you have realized the importance of HTTP status codes for SEO. While you are making progress in the field of SEO, you can learn HTTP status codes and adapt to their application areas to improve yourself and bring your analysis power to a better position.

You may also want to read our How to Find Creative Blog Titles? article.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Impact of HTTP Status Codes on SEO

If you want to know more about HTTP status codes, you can review the frequently asked questions and answers below.

What Does an HTTP Status Code Appear in SEO?

The HTTP status code is known as a message that the server sends when a request made by a browser is scheduled or cannot be fulfilled.

What Is SEO’s 4xx Error Known As?

These are the most prominent error codes an SEO will encounter. These errors, known as 400, 403, and 404 errors, are used when the resource is unavailable and cannot be loaded. Whether it’s because of a temporary server outage or some other reason is irrelevant.

What is the Importance of HTTP Status Codes?

HTTP status codes have an important place for website owners or SEO experts. When faced with client error codes such as 404 (Not Found) or 503 (Service Unavailable), these are displayed as HTML pages that are automatically generated in the web browser. In this way, it is possible to be seen by website visitors.

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